Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Passion of the Christ - Mel Gibson Out of Control

I had wanted to see this movie for ages. I was bitterly disappointed. The fact that it is in Aramaic and Latin adds an authentic touch but the violence started to get to me after the first half an hour. I really feel that Mel has lost the plot to a certain extent and that his Catholic stance has blinded him.

It is hard to deny that the movie has an Anti-Semitic bent. Pilate is seen as an unfortunate man who is battling his own demons and who should be pitied. The Rabbis, however, and the Jewish people in general, are portrayed as blood thirsty maniacs. Examples of Catholic teachings litter the movie at every turn.

On the positive side, Jim Caveziel was a convincing and likeable Jesus and the cinematography was good. Maybe Mr Gibson should stick to Lethal Weapon sequels in future.

Shana Tov! It is Rosh Hashanah on Thursday.



At 4:34 pm, Blogger Fiona McNally said...

I agree. I think Mel is certainly pushing his own agenda here. I saw him in an interview re the movie and sadly, he seems to be a bit wacky these days.

At 1:02 pm, Blogger Fiona McNally said...

Concerned - what the hell are you so concerned ABOUT? If you are a Catholic then I can see how the Passon might light your fire. For me, it was just another anti-Semitic load of twaddle.

I didn't like Gibson's approach. That's okay, I don't have to. We're not here to accept everything blindly and without question. How does that equate to Tall Poppy Syndrome? I'm starting to think YOU suffer from some sort of syndrome. Now off you go and try and say something nice about osmeone at least once.


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