Thursday, July 21, 2005

Time Out

I finally bit the bullet and left playgroup. I have been taking my little boy to playgroup since he was about 3 months old. I really think that it was a worthwhile thing in the first year as it enabled me to see how he was progressing alongside other children his age and also to share ideas. Once the children got to about 18 months it became hard to contain them in peopel's homes. I made numerous suggestions about meeting at the local outdoor pool or at parks. Generally this was met with derision and gasps. Trips to the city were poo pooed. A few months later, the groups loudest member made the same suggestions and the group started meeting in the city or at parks more often.

I felt like I had been treated disrespectfully to be honest. Not to mention the fact that when I had originally made these suggestions I received an e-mail from the Loud member and she started telling me that I was pushy and trying ot make my child grow up too quickly. This is the lunatic that wanted to toilet train her child at three months of age.

I feel I have made the right decision in leaving. I have made two friends out of it. One of whom left the group a year ago as she returned to work. I think however, that seeing as we all started mother hood together that it is a shame that the remaining members have essentially shut me out even though we all live in the same very small town. The Loud member speaks a lot of guff but the remaining four members seem very keen to listen to it. I had gotten to the point where I couldn't handle it anymore and resented being a captive audience to a moron.

This is not a petty rant. I just think it is a shame that even though one comes so far from one's school days, when girls could be incrediably bitchy and exclusive, that women are still behaving in such a fashion. It is not a trait that I like in my own sex.


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