Sunday, October 17, 2004

Barbed Words and the Beach

I took my son for a walk in his pram the other day, down by the sea. The path we often walk winds its way along the coastline with lovely views and a chance to feel the wind in your hair. It's the sort of beach path that is conducive to contemplative thought and we spent a happy twenty minutes or so with the occasional spray of the sea on our faces just enjoying the peacefulness of the morning.

Our meditation came to an abrupt halt when angry voices loomed behind us. I turned to see a young couple approaching us, engaged in a heated argument. Although they were some distance behind us, they were speaking so loudly - shouting at times - that almost every word was audible.

From what I could glean, having only entered the piece half way through the argument, the girl was furious that her boyfriend had put his name on a lease with another woman. She started screaming"You've cheated on me before, why should I believe you now?' Why indeed, I thought as they ranted and railed at eachother over the roar of the ocean?

The boyfriend, a weasly, skinny man in his late twenties covered in tattoos was trying to deny this charge but wasn't holding back on the expletives. Despite the fact his girlfriend had convinced herseklf that he was seeing someone else, she seemed more livid than emotionally wounded. It was as if this sort of behaviour was par for the course in their relationship and all she was seeking to do was haul him into line. I got the impression she wasn't going to be devastated by his latest failing but was more determined to give him a good tongue lashing in a public place.

As they got louder and more offensive I slowed down to allow them to pass me on the path so I didn't have to feel as if I was being followed by their anger. As they marched past me, voices raised to fever pitch I remember thinking what a shame it was that such a lovely morning was being spent arguing with a rogue who clearly wasn't worth the effort.


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