Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Mood Created by Dreams

I wonder if it is just me, or if others have had the experience where a dream makes them feel really intensely about a person or situation throughout the next day? I sometimes have very vivid dreams that ignite a complete mood change in me. I find it quite bizarre that a dream can invoke such heightened feelings of emotion.

For example, last night I dreamt about a television character. Without naming them as this will somehow sully this dialogue for readers I feel,it has to be said that this person is not exactly what one would call appealing or charming. I have never really taken a blind bit of notice of this person before and yet here I am travelling through the next day relating everything back to this character. A fictional person at that!

I wonder if some people are merely predisposed to this sort of reaction or if there is some sort of hidden message in these intense dreams? I don't subscribe to the Freudian or Jungian clap trap about dream interpretation. Nor do I read those books about what dreams mean. If howvere, dreams are a way of clearing the day's psychological waste, why on earth is my mind cluttered with a British soapie? And may I say, a very average one at that?!


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