Sunday, October 16, 2005

Australian Idol no music to the ears

I am quite disappointed with AI this year. The caliber of contestant seems to be fairly low in comparison with previous years and the show itself generally lackluster.

I miss Dicko's sardonic wit - he is streets ahead of Holden, Marcia and Sandilands in the intelligence stakes. I don't mind Mark Holden but feel he can be irritating when he gets swept up with his made-up language and starts pontificating. When I discovered that he has produced David Hasselhoff who now has a glittering career in some parts of Europe, I felt like laughing. This is hardly an endorsement.

Marcia seems to be off in a neurotic world of her own. Her stock standard phrases are : that was a joyful performance - you go girl - well done darlin'. She never says anything of any utility but spends her time in a hand holding exercise with all contestants regardless of how pitiful their singing is.

As for Sandilands - where on earth did they dredge this freak from? Somebody stop him! He is physically unappealing - a definite head for radio - aggressive, vacuous and charmless.

I really hope Lee wins as I feel the others are very average and it would be good to see someone a bit alternative take out the prize.


At 10:51 am, Blogger Adam Indikt said...

I'm not sure that having Australian Idol go more that 1 season was a good idea. Like American Idol, the initial pool of talent was always going to be the best and thereafter the pool is smaller and smaller. Look at Kelly Clarkson, for example - a very good singer, the first American idol and the only one to have gone on to fame and fortune.

Arguably, Shannon Noll has achieved the most success post Aust Idol and he didn't even win (and for good reason - his voice isn't very strong).

At 4:05 pm, Blogger Fiona McNally said...

I think that Shannon Noll is talentless and aggravating. I think Anthony Callea is the best thing to have come out of the show. Casey was a write off. Paulini and Ricki-Lee have a modicum of talent and ability although I don't rate Ricki-Lee's latest film clip.


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